Palms around the World
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Jubea chilensis, Santa Rosa, CA Butia capitata, New Orleans Zoo earth.gif (10689 bytes)
ButiaCapitata_SantRosa.jpg (26029 bytes) P.canarien_Barcelona.jpg (24802 bytes) Huntington.jpg (25031 bytes) Botgarden_Barcelona.jpg (23321 bytes) Brahearmata_Laguna_Good.JPG (26917 bytes)
Caryota urens, Quail Gardens, CA 1998 Tfortunei_Brooklyn97_wrapped.jpg (32141 bytes) R.hystrix and Yucca rostrata at Brooklyn Bot Garden, NYC '97 Butiacapitat_Naples_Italy.JPG (31491 bytes) Jubea chilensis at Balboa park, San Diego
15 year old Butia capitata in Oakland, CA Ceroxylonquin_Oakland98.jpg (40024 bytes) JubeaChili_SantaRos98.jpg (36931 bytes) Brahea Armata, Barcelona, spain