Palm kernels

The following pictures cover items I find interesting.  Place cursor over picture for description.

Various Palm seeds
Sabal mexicana seeds in DallasSabal xtexensis seeds Brahea armata seeds in San Antonio, TXTrachycarpus fortunei seeds in Dallas S.palmetto seeds in DallasSabal palmetto seeds Butia capitata with fruit in  Oakland 98
T.fortunei and R.hystrix with snow Sabal minor in the snow Wrap your palms for the first 2 winters Wrap small palms, zone 8 and colder Some cold protection methods


T.fortunei cold damage to new growth, treat with Bordeaux Cold damage in Sabal palmetto in Dallas T.fortunei heat damage in Dallas Heat damage in T.fortunei
S.mexicana in bloom, Dallas T.fortunei in Bloom, Dallas W.filifera in Bloom, Austin W.robusta making tracks
  Washingtonia robusta notice purple petiole How to tell the difference between Washingtonia
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W.filifera petiole, Dallas, notice how green Peckerwood Garden10-2003 055.jpg (158055 bytes)
  Robusta   Filifera Fungal leaf spot
W. robusta by filifera.jpg (60757 bytes) BrazoriaCoBloom_Aus_99.jpg (60774 bytes) African bees? in Dallas Sabal palm with 2 heads in Houston, TX Jubea cross with Butia capitata, looks like butia with hooks
Washingtonia robusta by Washingtonia filifera Brazoria county sabal or Sabal X texensis with Bloom held well above foliage Honeybee nest in Dallas Double headed Sabal  
S.minor_root_99.jpg (28587 bytes) Breba crop of figs.jpg (21877 bytes) Ed Moore 's Nanorhopps richtiana in San Diego W.filifera trunk size in DallasW.filifera trunk crawling across pavement in Dallas Adventitious roots in Trachycarpus fortunei
Sabal minor's bulbous underground stem and roots An example of Breba crop of figs in Dallas, TX Nannorhops richtiana at Ed Moore's in San Diego Washingtonia filifera roots Adventitious roots
TraNanFoto1.jpg (87805 bytes) Hail in Dallas, notice the quarter for comparison Variegated Sabal minor from Bernie Peterson's Florida garden Variegated Sabal minor in Cocoa, Florida Trachycarpus wagnerianus
Trachycarpus nanus North Texas Hail Variegated S.minor Variegated S.minor Trachycarpus wagnerianus
Native distribution of some cold hardy palms in N. America S.jpg (20499 bytes) Spalmettomap.jpg (18423 bytes) W.jpg (18240 bytes) R.jpg (16898 bytes)
  Sabal minor Sabal palmetto Washingtonia filifera Rhapidiophyllum hystrix
Sabal minor range palm inflorescence.gif (77530 bytes) kdef1.jpg (28855 bytes) PalmsnDallas@Xmas.jpg (28615 bytes) Trunk damage repaired with concrete
Sabal minor range   Potassium deficiency   Palm trunk repaired with concrete
Dallasskyline2.jpg (15077 bytes) JubaeButia.JPG (62643 bytes) Jubeamed.jpg (129608 bytes)    
  shgrhome.gif (2552 bytes)